12 ways to save
Have you already broken that new year’s resolution to cut down on the cookies and lose a few pounds? Don’t fret. Research indicates that just 8% of those who make a resolution will keep it. Walton EMC offers a better idea: Ditch the resolutions in favor of an easy to-do list. Accomplishing just one simple task each month can help you take control of your energy costs – no resolution required.
Simply billing. If the peaks of winter and summer electric bills are tough on your budget, sign up for Walton EMC’s Levelized Billing plan and pay nearly the same amount on your residential electric bill each month.
FOCUS on filters. Set a monthly reminder to inspect and clean or replace air filters regularly to optimize heat pump and HVAC efficiency.
TAP the app. Put the myWaltonEMC app on your phone to gain access to energy-tracking features.
COOL it. Adjusting a water heater’s temperature setting to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (or lower) can reduce its power use by 6%–10%.
BEAT the peak. Help Walton EMC manage electricity use during peak demand periods to keep power rates affordable. Use a timer to spread out the use of major appliances and devices rather than running them at the same time.
POCKET a rebate. Selecting energy efficient and environmentally wise residential equipment can earn hundreds in rebates from Walton EMC.
LOSE the lint. Clean your clothes dryer’s lint filter after each use. A dirty lint trap can reduce a dryer’s energy efficiency up to 75%.
ACCOMPLISH an audit. Before making fall maintenance plans, watch Walton EMC’s home energy video to learn about projects that improve energy efficiency.
GET smart. Upgrade to a smart thermostat to save up to 10% on heating costs. These thermostats can schedule your home’s heating system to turn down automatically when you’re asleep or away.
SLAY the vampires. Plug electronics into smart power strips to reduce stand-by energy use, which can account for 20% of your monthly electric bill.
CLEAN the coils. Before holiday cooking begins, schedule a thorough fridge cleaning, including the coils. Clean coils can reduce a fridge’s energy use by up to 30%.
WRAP up. Invest in an inexpensive insulated blanket to wrap an electric water heater located in an unheated area, such as a garage.* This could save about 7%–16% in water heating costs. *Not recommended for natural gas water heaters.