As a residential developer or contractor, you can count on Walton EMC to work with you from the planning stages through the installation of outdoor lighting to assure your building project runs on time and on budget.
Smooth Sailing
Here’s a step-by-step guide on getting electric service to your development.
Submit these items to our commercial work order specialist:
- Preliminary subdivision plat indicating:
- Lot dimensions
- Side(s) of street where entrance lights will be stubbed out (if any). For a large tract subdivision, you may need to consult with our Commercial Work Order Specialist. There may be an additional cost for large tract subdivisions.
- Average square footage of homes
- If natural gas will be installed
- Plat with street addresses marked as soon as it becomes available (it is not necessary for this plat to be recorded with the county)
- Water plan (electric transformers can’t be set on property lines with fire hydrants)
- Notice of intent with vicinity map attached
- Erosion, sedimentation and pollutant control plan (if development is larger than 50 acres)
The work order for installing the electric service will not be added to our construction list until we receive a signed contract and aid-in-construction payment.
Notify the Walton EMC scheduler at 770-266-2553 10 days prior to paving to allow time for underground conduit to be installed where our lines cross streets.
Before electric service construction can begin:
- Curbing must be in and backfilled
- Lot numbers must be painted on curbing or pins must be set for property lines
- Shoulder must be to grade
- Water and sewer lines must be marked
- It’s preferable that the streets be paved, however, construction can begin on a soil-cement base with a guarantee that paving is scheduled as soon as our construction is complete
Contact the commercial work order specialist at 770.266.2553.
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