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Plugged in: Why does Walton EMC ask for a forwarding address?

Q: Why does Walton EMC ask for a forwarding address if I move off co-op lines?

A: That’s a timely question since this issue of the Realite includes an announcement about this year’s capital credits distribution. As a cooperative, Walton EMC operates on a not-for-profit basis. Any excess revenues, known as capital credits, are refunded to you based on the amount of money you spent with the co-op. These capital credits are held on account — sometimes for a few years — until Walton EMC’s financial condition permits a distribution. These refunds are returned as a credit on the power bill of current co-op customer-owners. For those no longer living along co-op lines, a check is mailed to your forwarded address. If that address isn’t current, and we are unsuccessful in locating you, the unclaimed capital credit refund goes into a scholarship fund provided for by Georgia law. A forwarding address is also required to refund deposits when service is discontinued.