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Small change. Big difference.

Operation Round Up (ORU) is a charitable program governed and funded by Walton EMC customer-owners. This initiative continues the cooperative legacy of neighbors helping neighbors to improve the quality of life in area communities.

How it works: The program is funded solely by Walton EMC customer-owners who voluntarily choose to round their electric bill to the next highest dollar amount. Contributions go to a special fund dispersed by the 14-member Walton EMC Trust, volunteers who represent each co-op district. These trustees receive and evaluate grant applications on a quarterly basis. Any administrative costs are absorbed by Walton EMC, allowing 100% of donations to be returned to local communities.

What it costs: Each month, the amount a participant donates may range from a penny to 99 cents, with a maximum possible contribution of $11.88 per year. The average participant’s contribution is 50 cents per month.

Who benefits: ORU grants provide financial assistance to youth programs, food banks, community enrichment programming, service organizations, economic development, wellness initiatives, cultural experiences and educational opportunities in counties served by Walton EMC.

Since the program’s start in 1998, co-op members’ small change has added up to more than $9 million in donations used to meet local needs.

View recent Operation Round Up recipients here.