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Storm prep: Have the right supplies

February 6–10 is Georgia Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Walton EMC urges our customer-owners to be prepared for severe weather. Visit our Storm Center to know what to do in the event of a storm-related outage.

LIGHT: Secure flashlights, battery-powered lanterns and extra batteries. Avoid light sources that require a flame or fire.

WATER: If you depend on a well, fill bathtubs or other large containers with water for household use. Fill clean pitchers or jugs for drinking water. If you have livestock or poultry, secure a standby generator to run the well. Flush toilets when the water is off by lifting the lid and filling the tank to the fill line marked on the inside. The toilet will operate as normal. You’ll need to repeat the process each time you want to flush.

FOOD: Nonperishable foods that don’t need cooking are ideal, like canned fruit, powdered milk, peanut butter, bread and crackers. Don’t forget a manual can opener. If there’s room, keep plastic containers (e.g., rinsed-out milk jugs) filled with frozen water in your refrigerator and freezer. In case of a power outage, your food will stay colder longer.

HEAT: Have blankets, sleeping bags and extra clothes, including hats. If you have a fireplace, stock up on kindling and a good supply of wood. Be extremely careful when using alternate heating sources. Some are not approved for indoor use and could be a fire or carbon monoxide hazard. Check that your fire extinguisher is charged and working.

INFO: Get a portable AM/FM radio with extra batteries for local information and a NOAA weather radio for weather warnings. A wind-up or battery-powered alarm clock may be handy. Cordless landline phones don’t work without power, so have at least one wired phone available. Buy an external power pack or car charger for your cell phone and an extra battery for your laptop. Purchase a power inverter so you can run a laptop from your car’s cigarette lighter.

MEDICAL: Have a contingency plan for patients who have a medical necessity for electricity. This includes backup power, extra medical supplies, or an alternate location until the outage is over. Make sure supplies of prescription drugs are adequate and have a first-aid kit on hand.

BACKUP POWER: Start and run your generator monthly. If you’re not able to exercise the generator regularly, drain the fuel tank and run the engine until it stops. Have a supply of fresh fuel on hand. Install a generator transfer switch.