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Plugged In: Washington Youth Tour 2024

A: We’ve made some changes to our annual Washington Youth Tour selection process, which includes an earlier deadline for submitting applications. The deadline is Dec. 8 to apply to become a Walton EMC delegate at the 2024 Washington Youth Tour, June 14–21. Applications and full details are now available at

High school sophomores or juniors who live or attend school within Walton EMC’s service area are eligible to apply for the all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. Four delegates will be selected for the leadership experience that includes learning more about how our state and national governments work, meeting with Georgia’s congressional delegates and visiting national monuments.

All applicants will take a written test on provided materials covering topics such as electricity and cooperatives. To accommodate students’ busy schedules, drop-in testing will be offered on two days, Feb. 5 and 13, at the co-op’s Monroe office. The 10 students earning the highest scores will participate in finalist interviews beginning Feb. 26. We expect to announce winners on March 1.