Insider Power Outage Reporting Tips


  • Check the breaker panel. Check both the inside panel and outside disconnect to make sure the outage isn’t due to a tripped main breaker. The outdoor disconnect is located close to your electric meter (older homes probably won’t have an outside disconnect).
  • If the main breaker is tripped, it will be stopped halfway between “off” and “on.” Turn the breaker to the “off” position first and then back to “on” to reset it.
  • If you do have power in part of your home, check individual breakers to see if they’re tripped.
  • Call your neighbors to see if their power is also off.
  • If you determine the problem is outside your home, report your outage.


  • To report via mobile app or online, you’ll need one of these identifiers: (1) phone number on file with Walton EMC; (2) your account number; or (3) your meter number.
  • To report via phone, you’ll need the phone number on file with Walton EMC.
  • Other information that helps us includes the name on electric account, the street address where outage is occurring, the phone number where you can be reached, and the cause of the outage (if you know).


  • Use or our mobile app to report your outage. Electronic reports are the fastest way to get your information to us. Online reports receive the same priority as reports by phone and take you much less time.
  • Make sure Walton EMC has your correct phone number. You can see that number at the top of your electric bill.
  • If our automated outage system answers your call, carefully listen to the prompts to get the fastest service. If you’re not calling from the phone we have on file, the computer won’t recognize you. You’ll have a chance later in the process to leave your phone number.
  • If your power flickers on and off and then stays on, you don’t need to call us. 

Contact Us

Call (770) 267.2505 to speak to a Customer Care Representative from Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.